The Azolla Cooking and Cultivation Project [October, 2012]

In The Azolla Cooking and Cultivation Project, artists, researchers, farmers, gardeners, chefs and scientists experiment with cooking and cultivating the water fern Azolla. Azolla is one of the world’s fastest growing plants and a rich source of nutrients. Yet it is virtually unexplored as a foodstuff for human consumption. This book summarizes work with the project during 2010 and 2011. It is intended as a base for future research on Azolla food and Azolla cultivation as well as a general introduction to Azolla’s biology and its many uses.

The book includes an interview with artist and researcher Erik Sjödin; An introduction to Azolla’s biology and many uses, including Azolla’s use as fertilizer in rice paddies – which goes back centuries – and its potential use as food for humans; Azolla’s use in polycultures, such as in integrated rice, duck, fish and Azolla farming; Practical advice on how to grow and cook Azolla.

Read / download the book here.